Chicago Landscaping: Consider THESE Types of Gardens

Chicago Landscaping: Don’t Just Get “A Garden”! Get a Garden That You LOVE!

So, you know you want to refine or create some gardens in your outdoor areas, but I bet you may not have realized just how many types and styles of gardens you could choose from as you complete your Chicago landscaping plan!

While I have to admit that I’m partial to pollinator gardens because I’m passionate about providing habitats for bees, it makes sense for you to spend some time thinking about just what kinds of gardens you want to incorporate around your own living space.

Read on to learn about some interesting types and styles to choose from, even if you are just landscaping small areas.

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When You’re Thinking About a Rooftop Garden…

Rooftop gardens are really nothing new. That said, as urban space gets tighter and as people learn more about the advantages of converting rooftop space to green space, they are becoming more popular.

We’ve done quite a few rooftop gardens here in the Chicago area, and owners love the results. Read on to learn a little more about the plusses of rooftop gardens and how to get started.

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